(a) Camping is defined as:
(1) Setting up tents, shacks, temporary shelter or other equipment or gear on public or private property for the purpose of reposing thereon during the night time.
(2) Remaining upon public or private property for the purpose of reposing or habitating thereon for periods in excess of two (2) hours; or throughout the nighttime.
(3) Parking or leaving in place on public or private property, any movable structure or special vehicle, motor home, recreational vehicle or other conveyance used or designed for daytime or overnight camping, such as a house trailer, camp trailer, camp wagon for the purpose of reposing thereon during the nighttime or for periods in excess of two (2) hours.
(b) Nighttime is defined as the hours between 7:00 p.m. and 7:00 a.m.
(c) Invited guests includes personal friends or associates of the landowner or tenant and does not include temporary lessees of real property for the purpose of camping for short periods of time incident to attending, participating in or associating with other entertainment functions or incident to parties or other events.
(Ord. 1774, Sec. 1)
It shall be unlawful for any person to camp or engage in the act of camping in or upon any public or private property within the City limits except under the following conditions:
(a) Camping shall be permitted in areas and on properties where camping is allowed under the applicable zoning ordinances of the City.
(b) Camping shall be permitted upon issuance of a camping permit as set forth in Section 12‑305 and payment of a fee as established by the City Council.
(c) Camping shall be permitted by the owners or tenants of private property, or their invited guest, camping upon the owner’s or tenant’s private property for no more than a 72-hour period.
(Ord. 1774, Sec. 2; Ord. 2571)
Sections 12‑301:302 shall be inapplicable to owners of private property, or their invited guests, to City owned parks, and to the Bonner Springs Wyandotte County Park.
(Ord. 1576, Sec. 3)
Violations of this Article shall be considered a municipal offense and upon an adjudication of guilty, the violator shall be fined in accordance with Section 1‑116 of the Code of the City of Bonner Springs.
(Code 2014)
(a) Any person seeking issuance of a camping permit hereunder shall file an application with the City Clerk at least two (2) weeks in advance of the proposed camping date. The application shall state:
(1) The name and address of the applicant.
(2) The name and address of the person, persons, corporation or association sponsoring the activity, if any.
(3) The dates and hours for which the permit is desired.
(4) The address where the permit is sought to be issued.
(5) The estimate of the attendance pursuant to the permit.
(6) Any other information which the Police Chief, City Clerk or City Manager shall deem reasonably necessary to make a fair determination as to whether the permit should issue.
(b) Camping permits may be issued for organized group camping in City parks.
(c) No camping permit shall be issued for a term longer than 72-hours, nor shall any permit be issued which would allow recreational vehicles, motor homes, camp trailers or other such items to be parked on a public park, public street or public right‑of‑way for purposes of camping.
(Ord. 1774, Sec. 3; Ord. 2571)
The City shall issue a permit hereunder when it finds:
(a) The proposed activity and use of the area would not unreasonably interfere with or detract with the use or enjoyment of the area upon which the permit is sought, or the use and enjoyment of the surrounding area.
(b) The proposed activity and use will not unreasonably interfere with or detract from the public health, welfare, safety and recreation.
(c) The proposed activity and use is not unreasonably anticipated to incite violence, crime or disorderly conduct.
(d) The proposed activity and use will not entail unusual or extraordinary or burdensome expense upon the operation of the City.
(e) The facilities desired have not been reserved for other uses during the time requested in the permit.
(Ord. 1576, Sec. 5)
Within ten (10) days after receipt of application for permit, the City Manager or City Clerk shall apprise the applicant in writing the reasons for refusing a permit, and any aggrieved person shall have the right to appear in writing within ten (10) days to the City Council, who shall thereupon consider the application under the standards set forth in Section 12‑306 herein, and shall sustain or overrule the decision within ten (10) days. The decision of the City Council shall be final.
(Ord. 1576, Sec. 6)
A permittee shall be bound by all applicable laws and ordinances as though the same were inserted in the permit.
(Ord. 1576, Sec. 7)
The person or persons to whom the permit is issued shall be liable for any loss, damage or injury sustained by any person whomsoever by reason of the negligence of the person or persons to whom such person shall have been issued. Each permittee shall post a $100 cash bond refundable upon inspection of the camping premises to ensure all debris has been properly disposed of, and no injury has occurred to the premises of property. Costs of cleanup and repair shall be documented and deducted from the bond, if applicable.
(Ord. 1576, Sec. 8)
The City Manager or City Clerk shall have the authority to revoke any permit upon a finding of a violation of any law or ordinance, or upon good cause shown.
(Ord. 1576, Sec. 9)