Article 1a. Building Code. 3

4-1a01.  International Building Code Incorporated. 3

4-1a02.  Amendments. 3

4-1a03.  Severability. 4

4-1a04.  Deletions. 4

4-1a05.  Conflicts. 4

4-1a06.  Notices to Appear. 4

Article 1b. Residential Code. 5

4-1b01.  International Residential Code Incorporated. 5

4-1b02.  Amendments. 5

4-1b03.  Deletions. 6

4-1b04.  Conflicts. 6

4-1b05.  Severability. 7

4-1b06.  Notices to Appear. 7

Article 2. Electrical Code. 8

4-201... NFPA 70, National Electrical Code Incorporated. 8

4-202... Amendments. 8

4-203... Interference with Inspection. 10

4-204... Deletions. 10

4-205... Severability. 10

4-206... Notices to Appear. 10

Article 3. Plumbing Code. 12

4-301... International Plumbing Code Incorporated. 12

4-302... Amendments. 12

4-303... Unauthorized Use. 13

4-304... Penalties. 13

4-305... Severability. 13

4-306... Notices to Appear. 13

Article 3a. Fuel Gas Code. 14

4-3a01.  Adoption of International Fuel Gas Code. 14

4-3a02.  Amendments. 14

4-3a03.  Severability. 15

4-3a04.  Notices to Appear. 16

Article 4. Mechanical Code. 17

4-401... Adoption of International Mechanical Code by Reference. 17

4-402... Amendments. 17

4-403... Severability. 18

4-404... Deletions. 18

4-405... Notices to Appear. 19

Article 5. Property Maintenance Code. 20

4-501... International Property Maintenance Code, 2015 Edition. 20

4-502... Amendments. 20

4-503... Liability. 22

4-504... Severability. 22

4-505... Deletions. 23

4-506... Conflicts. 23

4-507... Notices to Appear. 23

Article 6. Fences. 24

4-601... Definition. 24

4-602... Type of Fence. 24

4-603... Permits. 24

4-604... Erected on Property Line. 25

4-605... Sight Hazard. 25

4-606... Sight Distance Triangle. 25

4-607... Barbed Wire. 25

4-608... Open Fences. 25

4-609... Same; Athletic Courts. 26

4-610... Same; Non-Athletic Uses. 26

4-611... Solid and Visually Solid Fences. 26

4-612... Nonconforming Fences. 26

4-613... Maintenance. 27

4-614... Right-Of-Way. 27

4-615... Protective Fences and Walls During Construction Work. 27

4-616... Measurement of Height of Fences. 27

4-617... Standards. 27

4-618... Appeals. 27

4-619... Violations. 27

4-620... Variance as to Height. 27

4-621... Notices to Appear. 28

Article 7. Demolition of Buildings. 29

4-701... Definition. 29

4-702... Permit. 29

4-703... Permit; Application; Bond; Insurance. 29

4-704... Building Official Issue Permit. 29

4-705... Bond, Insurance Waived. 29

4-706... Inspection. 30

4-707... Notices to Appear. 30

4-708... Penalty. 30

Article 8. Moving Buildings. 31

4-801... Permit Required. 31

4-802... Applications for Permits. 31

4-803... Same; Bond. 31

4-804... Same; Fee. 31

4-805... Notice to Owners. 31

4-806... Duty of Owners. 32

4-807... Interfering with Poles; Wires. 32

4-808... Inspection. 32

4-809... Display of Lanterns. 32

4-810... Penalty. 32

Article 9. Satellite Dish Antennas 33

4-901... Purpose. 33

4-902... Definition. 33

4-903... Specifications. 33

4-904... Same; Roof Mounting. 33

4-905... Variances. 34

4-906... Penalty. 34

Article 10. Blasting. 35

4-1001.  Blasting; Permit Required. 35

4-1002.  Approval of Permit Prior to Issuance. 35

4-1003.  Bond Required. 35

4-1004.  Insurance in Lieu of Bond. 35

4-1005.  Term of Permit. 35

4-1006.  Warranty of Applicant to Defend City in Event of Suit. 35

4-1007.  Permit to Be Kept with Permittee or in Structure at Site of Blasting Operations. 36

4-1008.  Penalty. 36