4-1a01. International
Building Code Incorporated. 3
Article 1b. Residential Code. 5
4-1b01. International
Residential Code Incorporated. 5
4-201... NFPA 70, National Electrical
Code Incorporated. 8
4-203... Interference with Inspection. 10
4-206... Notices to Appear. 10
4-301... International Plumbing Code
Incorporated. 12
4-306... Notices to Appear. 13
4-3a01. Adoption
of International Fuel Gas Code. 14
Article 4. Mechanical Code. 17
4-401... Adoption of International
Mechanical Code by Reference. 17
4-405... Notices to Appear. 19
Article 5. Property Maintenance Code. 20
4-501... International Property
Maintenance Code, 2015 Edition. 20
4-507... Notices to Appear. 23
4-604... Erected on Property Line. 25
4-606... Sight Distance Triangle. 25
4-609... Same; Athletic Courts. 26
4-610... Same; Non-Athletic Uses. 26
4-611... Solid and Visually Solid
Fences. 26
4-612... Nonconforming Fences. 26
4-615... Protective Fences and Walls
During Construction Work. 27
4-616... Measurement of Height of
Fences. 27
4-620... Variance as to Height. 27
4-621... Notices to Appear. 28
Article 7. Demolition of Buildings. 29
4-703... Permit; Application; Bond;
Insurance. 29
4-704... Building Official Issue Permit. 29
4-705... Bond, Insurance Waived. 29
4-707... Notices to Appear. 30
Article 8. Moving Buildings. 31
4-802... Applications for Permits. 31
4-807... Interfering with Poles; Wires. 32
4-809... Display of Lanterns. 32
Article 9. Satellite Dish Antennas 33
4-904... Same; Roof Mounting. 33
4-1001. Blasting;
Permit Required. 35
4-1002. Approval
of Permit Prior to Issuance. 35
4-1004. Insurance
in Lieu of Bond. 35
4-1006. Warranty
of Applicant to Defend City in Event of Suit. 35
4-1007. Permit
to Be Kept with Permittee or in Structure at Site of Blasting Operations. 36