Article 1. General Provisions. 3

1-101... Code Designated. 3

1-102... Definitions. 3

1-103... Existing Ordinances. 4

1-104... Effect of Repeal. 4

1-105... Catchlines of Sections. 5

1-106... Parenthetical and Reference Matter. 5

1-107... Amendments; Repeal. 5

1-108... Ordinances. 5

1-109... Same; Subject and Title; Amendment. 5

1-110... Same; Publication. 6

1-111... Same; Ordinance Book. 6

1-112... Resolutions, Motions. 6

1-113... City Records. 6

1-114... Altering Code. 6

1-115... Scope of Application. 6

1-116... General Penalty. 6

1-117... Severability. 7

Article 2. Governing Body. 8

1-201... Governing Body. 8

1-202... Powers Generally. 8

1-203... Same; Meetings. 8

1-204... Same; Quorum. 8

1-205... Powers of the Mayor and Authority to Declare and Control Emergency. 8

1-206... Council President. 9

1-207... Vacancies in Governing Body; How Filled. 9

1-208... Compensation. 9

1-209... Expenses. 9

1-210... Rules of Procedure for City Council Meetings; Other Policies Set by City Council. 9

1-211... Code of Ethics. 10

Article 3. City Manager. 12

1-301... City Manager; Appointment; Qualifications. 12

1-302... Same; Salary, Bond. 12

1-303... Same; Powers. 12

1-304... Same; General Duties. 12

1-305... Same; Countersigning Warrants. 13

1-306... Same; Acting in Other Offices. 13

Article 4. Officers and Employees. 14

1-401... Appointment. 14

1-402... Employees. 14

1-403... Appointment or Employment in More Than One Position. 14

1-404... Conflict of Interests. 14

Article 5. Reserved. 15

Article 6. Oaths and Bonds. 16

1-601... Oath. 16

1-602... Oaths Filed. 16

1-603... Surety Bonds; Premiums. 16

1-604... Condition of Bonds. 16

1-605... Approval of Bonds. 16

Article 7. Open Records. 17

1-701... Policy. 17

1-702... Record Custodians. 17

1-703... Public Request for Access. 17

1-704... Facilities for Public Inspection. 17

1-705... Procedures for Inspection. 17

1-706... Appointment of Official Custodians. 18

1-707... Designation of Additional Record Custodians. 19

1-708... Duties of Custodians. 19

1-709... Requests to Be Directed to Custodians. 19

1-710... Inspection Fee. 19

1-711... Copying Fee. 20

1-712... Prepayment of Fees. 20

1-713... Payments. 20

1-714... Local Freedom of Information Officer; Duties. 20

Article 8. Investment of Public Funds. 21

1-801... Purpose and Goals. 21

1-802... Active Funds; Designation of Depositories; Eligible Depositories. 21

1-803... Definitions. 21

1-804... Investment of Idle Funds. 22

1-805... Procedures and Restrictions. 24

1-806... Custody and Safekeeping. 24

1-807... Sale or Transfer. 24

1-808... Interest on Time Deposits. 24

Article 9. Purchasing. 25

Article 10. Band Commission. 26

1-1001.  Commission; Created. 26

1-1002.  Membership. 26

1-1003.  Officers and Staff. 26

1-1004.  Director’s Position. 26

1-1005.  Duties. 27

1-1006.  Funds and Equipment. 27

1-1007.  Use of City Employees. 27

1-1008.  Meetings. 28

Article 11. Bonner Beautiful Advisory Committee  29

1-1101.  Bonner Beautiful Advisory Committee Established. 29

1-1102.  Membership. 29

1-1103.  Duties. 29

1-1104.  Rules and Regulations. 30

1-1105.  Committee Funds. 30

1-1106.  City Manager Duties. 30

1-1107.  Special Assignments. 30

Article 12. Recreation and Open Spaces Advisory Committee  31

1-1201.  Recreation and Open Spaces Advisory Committee. 31

1-1202.  Membership. 31

1-1203.  Terms of membership; vacancies; removal. 31

1-1204.  Attendance. 31

1-1205.  Same; Duties. 31

1-1206.  Same; Officers. 32

1-1207.  Same; City Employees. 32

1-1208.  Committee as successor to prior board; prior acts ratified. 32

Article 13. Convention and Tourism Committee. 33

1-1301.  Membership. 33

1-1302.  Duties. 33

1-1303.  Rules and Regulations. 33

1-1304.  Officers. 33

1-1305.  Budget. 33

Article 14. Drug and Alcohol Advisory Committee  35

1-1401.  Organization. 35

1-1402.  Officers. 35

1-1403.  Purpose. 35

1-1404.  Responsibilities. 35

Article 15. Human Relations Advisory Board (Fair Housing) 37

1-1501.  Statement of Policy. 37

1-1502.  Definitions. 37

1-1503.  Discriminatory Practices Defined. 37

1-1504.  Applicability. 39

1-1505.  Human Relations Advisory Board. 39

1-1506.  Human Resources Director. 40

1-1507.  Administration; Complaint Procedure. 40

1-1508.  Validity. 41