Article 1. Recreation System.. 1
13-101. Recreation
System Established. 1
13-103. Overnight
Camping in City Parks Prohibited. 1
13-104. City
Laws Extended to Park. 1
13-105. Police
Jurisdiction Over Parks. 1
13-106. Damaging
Park Property. 1
13-107. Dangerous
Weapons Not Allowed. 1
13-108. Vehicle
Regulations. 2
13-113. Prohibition
Against Alcoholic Beverages and Cereal Malt Beverages. 3
13-114. Preservation
of Natural State. 3
13-115. General
Regulations. 3
13-117. Smoke
Free Parks and Trails, Designated Smoke Areas and Penalty for Violation. 3
13-202. Records;
Duties of City Clerk. 5
13-203. Price
and Sale of Grave Lots. 5
13-205. Grave
Opening, Closing Fee. 6
13-206. Restrictions
on Interment. 6
13-207. Cemetery
Hours; Speed; Vehicles. 6
13-208. Permit
for Monuments, Headstones and Stepping Stones. 7
13-209. Trees,
Shrubs, Plants. 7
13-210. Markers,
Monuments, Headstones, Benches, Stepping Stones and Vases Generally. 8
13-211. Construction
of Foundations, Footings Generally. 8
13-213. Caskets
to Be in Vaults. 9
13-214. Enclosure
of Lots Prohibited. 9
13-215. Property
Damage; Molesting Graves. 9
13-218. Sexton;
Appointment. 9
13-219. Sexton;
Duties Generally. 10
13-220. Rules
and Regulations. 10
13-221. Other
Regulations; Rights Reserved. 10
13-222. Ordinances
Extend Over Cemetery. 10
Article 3. Private Use of Public Parking Lots. 11
13-306. Revocation
of Permit. 13