Article 1. General Provisions. 1
14-101. Duties
of Public Works Director Generally. 1
14-102. Removing
Barricades. 1
14-103. Molesting
Unfinished Paving, Grading, Sidewalk. 1
14-104. Cellar
Ways, Etc.; Not to Be Left Open. 1
14-106. Snow
and Ice; to be Removed. 1
14-107. Same;
Removal by City. 2
14-108. Obstructing
Sidewalks, Etc. 2
14-109. Street
Obstructions by Builders. 2
Article 2. Sidewalk Construction and Repair. 3
14-203. Same;
Specifications. 3
14-205. Same;
Condemnation, Reconstruction. 3
14-206. Notice;
Publication. 3
14-207. Right
of Abutting Owner. 4
14-208. Repairs
by Owner or City. 4
14-209. Performance,
Statutory Bond. 4
14-210. Obstructing
Sidewalks. 4
14-212. Supervision
of Construction. 5
Article 3. Right-Of-Way Usage Code. 6
14-301. Right-Of-Way
Usage Code Incorporated. 6
14-401. Encroachment
Prohibited. 7
Article 5. Public Works Construction Specifications and Design Criteria 8
14-501. APWA
Standards Incorporated. 8
14-502. Bonner
Springs Standard Specifications and Design Criteria Incorporated. 9
Article 6. Trees and Shrubs. 11
14-602. Violations;
Defined. 11
14-603. Enforcement
Officer. 12
14-604. Complaints;
Inquiry and Inspection. 12
14-606. Unlawful
Interference. 12
14-610. Duty
of Adjacent Owners to Abate Nuisance. 13
14-612. General
Definitions. 13
14-613. Street
Tree Species to Be Planted; Park Tree Species. 14
14-615. Distance
from Curb and Sidewalk. 15
14-616. Distance
from Street Corners and Fireplugs. 15
14-621. Failure
to Comply; Penalty. 16
Article 7. Maintenance Stormwater Drainage Systems 18
14-701. Storm
Water Drainage System. 18
14-702. Statement
of Policy. 18
14-703. Administration
of the Maintenance of Storm Water Drainage Systems. 18
14-704. Responsibilities
Under the Maintenance of Storm Water Drainage Systems. 18
14-705. Failure
to Maintain. 19
14-709. Failure
to Enforce. 20