Article 1. Standard Traffic
Ordinance. 1
15-101. Standard
Traffic Ordinance incorporated. 1
15-102. Traffic
Infractions and Traffic Offenses. 1
15-103. Amendments
to Standard Traffic Ordinance. 1
15-105. Authority
to Make Emergency, Temporary and Experimental Regulations. 2
15-107. Maximum
Speed Limits. 2
15-108. Officers
Authorized to Remove Vehicles. 3
15-109. Stopping,
Standing or Parking Prohibited in Specified Places. 3
15-110. Parking
Prohibited at All Times in Designated Places of Certain Vehicles. 3
15-111. Spilling
Loads on Highways Prohibited. 3
15-112. Penalty
for Scheduled Fines. 4
15-113. Unlawful
Operation of an All-Terrain Vehicle, Micro Utility Truck, Low-Speed Vehicle,
Golf Cart, or Work-Site Utility Vehicle. 4
Article 2. Local Traffic Regulations. 6
15-201. Local
Control Traffic Regulations Code. 6
15-202. Load
Restrictions Upon Vehicles Using Certain Streets or Highways or Portions of
Streets or Highways. 6
Article 3. Impoundment of Motor Vehicles 7
15-302. Impounding
Vehicles. 7
15-304. Notice
of Impoundment; Storage of Vehicle. 8
15-305. Impoundment
After Request to Leave Motor Vehicle. 9
15-306. Release
of Motor Vehicle from Impoundment. 9
15-308. Charges
Constitute a Lien. 11
15-309. Satisfaction
of Lien; Notice of Public Sale. 11
15-312. Statutory
Procedures. 12
15-313. Implementation
of Article. 12
15-314. Reimbursement
for Discharged Liens. 12
Article 4. Hazardous Materials. 13
15-401. Hazardous
Material Defined. 13
15-403. Transportation
of Hazardous Materials. 13
15-404. Hazardous
Materials Routes. 13
15-405. Parking
of Vehicles or Trailers Carrying Hazardous Materials. 13
15-406. Removal
of Illegally Parked Trailers. 14
Article 5. Vehicle Size Restrictions. 15
15-501. Vehicle
Height, Weight, Length and Width. 15
15-502. Enforcement
of Vehicle Weight Laws; Officers May Weigh Vehicles; Portable Scales; Required
Drive to Stationary S Ales; Off-Loading or Load Redistribution Required, When. 15
15-503. Penalty
for Violation. 16
Article 6. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations 17
15-601. Federal
Motor Carrier Safety Regulations Incorporated by Reference. 17
15-602. Same;
Marked Copies of Regulations on File. 17
15-604. Section
396.9 Amended; Inspection of Motor Vehicles in Operation. 17