Article 1. General Provisions
& Utility Administration 3
16-102. Scope
of Chapter Provisions. 3
16-103. Service
to Comply with Technical Regulations. 3
16-104. Termination
for Noncompliance with Provisions. 3
16-105. Liability
of City for Damage. 3
16-106. Sale
of Service by Customer. 3
16-107. Temporary
Interruption of Service. 3
16-108. Utility
Service; Application Required. 4
16-110. Same;
Use Without Permit. 4
16-111. Same;
Use Contrary to Permit. 4
16-113. Same;
Restricted to One Applicant. 4
16-114. Notification
and Inspection, Approval. 4
16-116. Separate
Connections. 5
16-117. Connections
to Service. 5
16-118. Consumers
to Maintain Own Service. 5
16-120. Penalty
for Delinquent Payment. 5
16-121. Disconnection
for Nonpayment. 5
16-122. Delinquent
Accounts. 6
16-123. Voluntary
Discontinuance of Service. 6
16-125. Utility
Bill Credit. 7
16-127. Same;
Non-Eligibility. 8
16-130. Same;
False, Misleading Information. 8
16-132. Injure/Tamper
with Water or Sanitary Sewer Systems. 8
16-133. Violations;
Costs and Fines. 9
Article 2. Water Service - Rates, Charges and Regulations 10
16-201. Water
Service Connection. 10
16-203. Water
Rates & System Impact Fee. 10
16-204. Same;
Unmetered Fire Sprinkler Service. 10
16-205. Cross
Connection Control; Purpose. 10
16-206. Same;
Cross Connections Prohibited. 11
16-207. Same;
Protective Backflow Preventers Required. 11
16-209. Same;
Protection from Contaminants. 11
16-210. Same;
Backflow and Backsiphonage Regulations. 11
16-211. Water
Conservation; Purpose. 11
16-213. Same;
Declaration of A Water Emergency. 12
16-214. Same;
Voluntary Conservation Measures. 13
16-215. Same;
Mandatory Conservation Measures. 13
16-216. Same;
Emergency Water Rates. 14
16-218. Same;
Violations, Disconnections and Penalties. 14
16-219. Same;
Emergency Termination. 15
16-220. Same;
Severability. 15
Article 3. Wastewater (Sanitary Sewer) Service - Rates, Charges and
Regulations 16
16-302. Sewer
Connection Required. 17
16-304. Building
Sewer; Elevation. 17
16-305. Roof,
Foundation Drains. 17
16-306. Building
and Plumbing Codes to Control. 18
16-307. Sewer
System Impact Fee. 18
16-308. Wastewater
Rates Established. 18
16-309. Meters
When Premises Not on City Water. 18
16-310. Private
Sewer System. 18
16-315. Same;
Additional Requirements. 19
16-316. Old
Building Sewers. 19
16-317. Owner
Responsibility. 19
16-318. Disposal
of Sewage. 20
16-320. Privies,
Etc. Unlawful. 20
16-321. Prohibited
Discharges; Stormwater, Etc. 20
16-323. Same;
Pretreatment and Flow of Certain Discharges. 22
16-324. Interceptors;
Grease, Oil, Etc. 22
16-325. Preliminary
Treatment Facilities Operation. 22
16-327. Measurement
and Test Standards. 23
16-328. Special
Agreements. 23
16-329. Inspections
to Be Allowed; Conditions. 23
16-330. Same;
Entrance Through Easements. 24
16-331. Permit
Required; Application. 24
16-401. Solid
Waste Management Code. 25
Article 5. Storm Water Management Program and Utility 26
16-502. Findings
and Statements of Policy. 27
16-503. Establishment
of Storm Water Management Program and Storm Water Utility. 28
16-504. Administration
of the Storm Water Management Program; the Storm Water Utility. 28
16-505. Classification
of Property for Purposes of Determination of the Storm Water Utility Fee. 29
16-506. Storm
Water Utility Fee. 29
16-507. Charges
for Tax-Exempt Properties. 29
16-508. When
Storm Water Utility Fee Payable; Interest and Penalties; Lien on Real Property;
Abatement of Small Amounts Due. 30
16-509. Requests
for Appeal or Correction of the Storm Water Management Fee. 30