CHAPTER I. ADMINISTRATIONCHAPTER I. ADMINISTRATION\Article 14. Drug and Alcohol Advisory Committee

The Drug and Alcohol Advisory Committee shall be made up of nine (9) members appointed upon the recommendation of the Mayor and consent of the members of the Governing Body for terms of three (3) years, except the High School Student term will be for two (2) years. The membership shall represent a cross‑section of the community as follows: one (1) representative of USD 204, one (1) member of the Bonner Springs Police Department, one (1) representative from a mental health agency, one (1) member from a service agency, one (1) clergy, three (3) appointees from the City at large and one (1) appointment from the Bonner Springs Senior High School. One (1) member of the Governing Body of the City shall be appointed by the Mayor with the consent of the City Council and serve as an ex‑officio member. The initial terms shall be as follows: three (3) appointees to serve for three (3) years, two (2) appointees to serve two (2) years, three (3) appointees to serve one (1) year and the Senior High School representative for two (2) years. All members shall continue to serve until their successor has been appointed. One (1) City staff employee will be assigned as on‑going staff assistance to coordinate the agenda and meeting needs of the committee.”

(Ord. 1721, Sec. 1, Ord. 2059; Code 2002, 8‑1701; Code 2014)

The committee shall annually elect a chairperson and other such officers as may be deemed necessary for the conduct of its business.

(Ord. 1721, Sec. 1; Code 2002, 8‑1702; Code 2014)

The purpose of the drug and alcohol advisory committee shall be as follows:

(a)   Establish a process by which funds can be made available and appropriated by the City Council to secure programs and services relating to drug and alcohol abuse within the community.

(b)   To help insure the coordination of programs and services dealing with the use of drugs and alcohol that may now or in the future be provided by existing or new public, non‑profit and private agencies within the community.

(c)   To provide for the efficient and effective use of the financial and other resources of the City.

(Ord. 1721, Sec. 1; Code 2002, 8‑1703; Code 2014)

The committee shall have the following responsibilities:

(a)   To prepare an assessment of the needs in the community for services and programs to deal with the problems associates with the use of drugs or alcohol. The word community for the purposes of this committee shall mean the area encompassing the boundaries of USD 204.

(b)   To prepare an annual plan of services to be funded from the resources available in the City’s special drug and alcohol fund from State tax receipts.

(c)   To prepare a two‑year overview plan of the needs of the community and identify appropriate strategies to be recommended to the Governing Body and other agencies to meet the needs as defined in the community by the two‑year plan.

(d)   To maintain continuing liaison with the Wyandotte County Alcohol and Drug Advisory Committee, the Wyandotte Mental Health Center and other agencies providing services within the community.

(e)   To solicit proposals as part of the annual plan of services from agencies wishing to provide services to meet needs of the community for drug and alcohol abuse education and prevention.

(f)   To evaluate such service proposals to insure their conformance with accepted community objectives, their consistency with the two‑year plan of services adopted and to make recommendations to the Governing Body for such contracts for services, programs or activities.

(g)   To develop plans for any related services or programs to be operated directly by the City.

(h)   To prepare an annual estimate of budget requirements as part of the annual City budget process.

(i)    To provide such other recommendations and advice as requested by the Mayor, City Council, City staff or City operating agencies.

(Ord. 1721, Sec. 1; Code 2002, 8‑1704; Code 2014)