Article 1. Fire Department
There is hereby established a Fire Department in and for the City. The department shall be known as the Bonner Springs Fire Department.
(Code 1970, 10‑14; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
The Chief of the Fire Department will consult with the City Manager to determine the appropriate composition of the Fire Department.
(Ord.1459; Ord. 2071; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
The City Manager shall appoint the Chief of the Fire Department. The Chief shall hire all other department personnel.
(Code 1970, 10‑16; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
Fire department personnel shall receive pay as set out in the City Personnel Policy and the Administrative Policy.
(Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
The Fire Chief shall be under the supervision of the City Manager. Under the direction of the city manager, the chief of the fire department shall have complete control of the fire department and all the firefighting equipment of this city. They shall be responsible for the proper organization, training, discipline, and functioning of the fire department’s personnel and for the proper care, use, and safety of the department’s equipment and fire apparatus in this city. The fire chief shall appoint the necessary officers to fulfill the department’s mission and duties.
(Code 1970, 10 21; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
The Fire Chief shall be responsible for disciplining department personnel and is hereby given the authority, subject to the approval of the City Manager and in accordance with City personnel policies, to discipline, suspend, or expel any member for failing to do their duty at a fire, EMS Emergency, or other violation of department standard operating guidelines, city policy or procedure, and the ordinances of the City.
(Ord. 1459, Sec. 5; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
The chief shall have power and is hereby authorized to call for assistance from any and all able-bodied citizens who may be present during any emergency incident and in the operation of the fire department equipment. All persons who obstruct or hinder any person in his or her efforts while working under the chief’s instructions shall be deemed guilty of violating this code and, on conviction thereof, shall be fined.
(Code 1970, 10‑24; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
The Fire Chief shall have full power, control and command over all persons whomsoever present at fires, EMS, rescue or hazardous materials incident and shall direct the use of all fire apparatus and equipment, and command all firefighters in the discharge of their duties. The Chief shall take such measures as they may deem necessary in the preservation and protection of property, the extinguishing of fire, or the successful completion of an emergency incident.
(Code 1970, 10 25; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
The Fire Chief shall keep in convenient form a complete record of all incidents responded to and other pertinent records. Such records shall include incident reports, fire and life safety inspections, personal and staffing records, training records, equipment and apparatus logs, EMS and patient care records, and fire investigations reports. Various contemporary data and records shall be maintained assisting with the efficient and effective operation as a fire department.
(Code 1970, 10‑26; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
It shall be the duty of the Fire Chief to adopt all prudent measures for the prevention of fires and for this purpose the Chief or an assistant under the direction of the Fire Chief may, upon request or whenever there is reason to believe that the safety of life and property demands it, and as often as the Chief may deem necessary, enter any building, yard or premises in the City during reasonable hours for the purpose of inspection, and where dangerous, unsafe or hazardous conditions are found to exist the Chief shall give such directions for the alteration, change or removal or better care or management of the same as he or she may deem proper, and such directions shall be obeyed and complied with by the person directed in that regard and at their expense.
(Code 1970, 10 27; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
In the absence of the Fire other chief officers or captains shall perform all the duties and have all the authority and responsibility of the Chief as conferred by this Article.
(Code 1970, 10‑28; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
No person shall place or cause to be placed upon or about any fire hydrant, any rubbish, building materials, fence, or other obstruction of any character whatsoever, in any manner to obstruct, hinder, or delay the Fire Department in the performance of its duties in case of fire.
(Code 1970, 10‑01; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
It shall be unlawful for any person to make or sound or cause to be made or sounded or by any other means any false alarm of fire without reasonable cause. A fine in an amount of $50 shall be levied for the third such false alarm during a calendar year. Fourth and subsequent false alarms during the same calendar year shall be fined an amount $50 greater than the previous fine (i.e., $100 for the fourth fine, $150 for the fifth fine, etc.).
(Code 1970, 10 2; Code 2014; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
No person shall use any fire apparatus or equipment belonging to the City for any private purpose, nor shall any person willfully and without proper authority remove, take away, keep or conceal any tool, appliance or other article used in any way by the Fire Department.
(Code 1970, 10‑3; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
(a) The department shall make every attempt to ensure that emergency medical services are provided within the boundaries of the City under such terms and conditions as authorized.
(b) The department shall make every attempt to provide rapid and appropriate medical treatment to persons experiencing a potential or known medical emergency at the scene of the emergency and enroute to a medical treatment center.
(c) The department shall make every attempt to ensure that an appropriately equipped and staffed ambulance is dispatched to the scene of medical emergencies requiring an immediate response.
(Ord. 1946, Sec. 1; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
(a) The Fire Chief shall be responsible for directing operation of the department pursuant to the position’s job description, following applicable professional guidelines and management practices, the City’s personnel policies, and all other applicable laws and ordinances.
(b) The Fire Chief shall recommend and/or inform the City Manager of the department’s needs relating to acquisition of property and equipment, vehicle maintenance, purchase of supplies, hiring, training and disciplinary action of staff, and shall be responsible for developing and managing the department’s annual budget and recommending such to the City Manager.
(c) The Fire Chief shall be responsible for ensuring that appropriate protocols are developed and followed, including level of service and response times, that employees receive and maintain proper certification and training, the service license is maintained, effective, and efficient delivery of service is provided, fees for service and billing collections optimize revenues and minimize the burden of public subsidy, equipment is maintained appropriately, and staffing levels are maintained to provide property coverage.
(d) The Fire Chief is responsible for apprising the City Manager in a timely manner of any and all deficiencies or legal issues pertaining to the EMS service, and the City Manager shall likewise be responsible for informing the City Attorney and City Council of such occurrences. The Fire Chief shall provide periodic written reports on the service to the City Manager related to the service’s response times, call volumes, type of incident, staffing levels including calls for service, billing collection data, violations and corrective actions relating to established protocols, achievements related to quality assurance and quality improvement, and other pertinent information as requested or required.
(e) The Fire Chief shall make every effort to recruit and retain employees to provide fire, rescue, hazardous materials, and emergency medical services, and should strive to provide opportunities in areas of training, advancement, assignments, when practical and within budgeted means.
(Ord. 1946, Sec. 2; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
Fees for service shall be developed, implemented and updated by the City Manager and the Fire Chief. Such fees shall be based upon the areas prevailing rates for similar services, a review of the actual cost to provide the service, in accordance with health care requirements and laws and in response to changes in the insurance or health care industry as they may occur. The fees shall be established by the City Council for EMS services.
(Ord. 1946; Ord. 2152; Ord. 2294; Code 2014) (Ord. 1946, Sec. 4; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
It is prohibited and shall be unlawful for any person or entity to operate an emergency ambulance or transportation service within the corporate boundaries of the City without first having obtained approval from the City’s Governing Body, or as otherwise may be authorized by this or other City ordinances. Violation of this prohibition shall be a misdemeanor carrying a penalty of $250 per day.
This prohibition does not apply to services transporting patients to or through the City if such transportation was initiated outside of the City, for mutual aid requests made by the City, for air ambulance services, or in cases identified and agreed to by the City prior to enactment of this Article which may exist under contract between a private business and another EMS provider.
(Ord. 1946, Sec. 5; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)
Within this Article, the term Emergency Medical Services (EMS) is synonymous with the term ambulance service.
(Ord. 1946, Sec. 6; Ord. 2553; Ord. 2583)