7-101... City Fire-EMS Department
Established. 1
7-103... Appointment or Hiring of
Personnel. 1
7-105... General Supervision of
Department. 1
7-107... Summons Assistance at Fires. 1
7-108... Chief’s Authority at Fires. 2
7-110... Control of Hazardous
Conditions. 2
7-111... Deputy or Assistant Chief
Generally. 2
7-112... Obstruction of a Fire Hydrant. 2
7-114... Unauthorized Use of Apparatus. 3
7-115... Emergency Medical Services. 3
7-116... Chief of Fire-EMS Authority. 3
7-201... International Fire Code
Incorporated. 5
7-204... Smoke Detector Required. 6
7-302... Possession; Approved. 8
7-303... Storage, Sale and Handling. 10
7-304... Discharging of Fireworks. 11
7-305... Public Display; Permit. 11
7-306... Same; Application for Permit. 11
7-307... Same; Insurance Policy
Required. 12
7-308... Same; Conduct of Public
Display. 12
7-309... Same; Fire Extinguishers at
Public Display. 13
7-310... Same; Enforcement of
Provisions. 13
7-311... Exemptions from Article. 13
7-312... Violation; Penalty. 13
7-313... Emergency Proclamations. 14
7-314... Prohibited fireworks. 14