Article 1. General Provisions
1-101. Code Designated.
1-102. Definitions.
1-103. Existing Ordinances.
1-104. Effect of Repeal.
1-105. Catchlines of Sections.
1-106. Parenthetical and Reference Matter.
1-107. Amendments; Repeal.
1-108. Ordinances.
1-109. Same; Subject and Title; Amendment.
1-110. Same; Publication.
1-111. Same; Ordinance Book.
1-112. Resolutions, Motions.
1-113. City Records.
1-114. Altering Code.
1-115. Scope of Application.
1-116. General Penalty.
1-117. Severability.
Article 2. Governing Body
1-201. Governing Body.
1-202. Powers Generally.
1-203. Same; Meetings.
1-204. Same; Quorum.
1-205. Powers of the Mayor and Authority to Declare and Control Emergency.
1-206. Council President.
1-207. Vacancies in Governing Body; How Filled.
1-208. Compensation.
1-209. Expenses.
1-210. Rules of Procedure for City Council Meetings; Other Policies Set by City Council.
1-211. Code of Ethics.
Article 3. City Manager
1-301. City Manager; Appointment; Qualifications.
1-302. Same; Salary, Bond.
1-303. Same; Powers.
1-304. Same; General Duties.
1-305. Same; Countersigning Warrants.
1-306. Same; Acting in Other Offices.
Article 4. Officers and Employees
1-401. Appointment.
1-402. Employees.
1-403. Appointment or Employment in More Than One Position.
1-404. Conflict of Interests.
Article 5. Reserved
Article 6. Oaths and Bonds
1-601. Oath.
1-602. Oaths Filed.
1-603. Surety Bonds; Premiums.
1-604. Condition of Bonds.
1-605. Approval of Bonds.
Article 7. Open Records
1-701. Policy.
1-702. Record Custodians.
1-703. Public Request for Access.
1-704. Facilities for Public Inspection.
1-705. Procedures for Inspection.
1-706. Appointment of Official Custodians.
1-707. Designation of Additional Record Custodians.
1-708. Duties of Custodians.
1-709. Requests to Be Directed to Custodians.
1-710. Inspection Fee.
1-711. Copying Fee.
1-712. Prepayment of Fees.
1-713. Payments.
1-714. Local Freedom of Information Officer; Duties.
Article 8. Investment of Public Funds
1-801. Purpose and Goals.
1-802. Active Funds; Designation of Depositories; Eligible Depositories.
1-803. Definitions.
1-804. Investment of Idle Funds.
1-805. Procedures and Restrictions.
1-806. Custody and Safekeeping.
1-807. Sale or Transfer.
1-808. Interest on Time Deposits.
Article 9. Purchasing
Article 10. Band Commission
1-1001. Commission; Created.
1-1002. Membership.
1-1003. Officers and Staff.
1-1004. Director’s Position.
1-1005. Duties.
1-1006. Funds and Equipment.
1-1007. Use of City Employees.
1-1008. Meetings.
Article 11. Bonner Beautiful Advisory Committee
1-1101. Bonner Beautiful Advisory Committee Established.
1-1102. Membership.
1-1103. Duties.
1-1104. Rules and Regulations.
1-1105. Committee Funds.
1-1106. City Manager Duties.
1-1107. Special Assignments.
Article 12. Recreation and Open Spaces Advisory Committee
1-1201. Recreation and Open Spaces Advisory Committee.
1-1202. Membership.
1-1203. Terms of membership; vacancies; removal.
1-1204. Attendance.
1-1205. Same; Duties.
1-1206. Same; Officers.
Article 13. Convention and Tourism Committee
1-1301. Membership.
1-1302. Duties.
1-1303. Rules and Regulations.
1-1304. Officers.
1-1305. Budget.
Article 14. Drug and Alcohol Advisory Committee
1-1401. Organization
1-1402. Officers.
1-1403. Purpose.
1-1404. Responsibilities.
Article 15. Human Relations Advisory Board (Fair Housing)
1-1501. Statement of Policy.
1-1502. Definitions.
1-1503. Discriminatory Practices Defined.
1-1504. Applicability.
1-1505. Human Relations Advisory Board.
1-1506. Human Resources Director.
1-1507. Administration; Complaint Procedure.
1-1508. Validity.
Article 1. General Provisions
2-101. Definitions.
2-102. Animal Control Officer; Duty to Impound; Citation Alternative.
2-103. Same; Capture/Destruction.
2-104. Same; Right of Entry; Unlawful Interference.
2-105. Municipal Pound Established.
2-106. Breaking and Entering of Pound.
2-107. Cruelty to animals.
2-108. Procedures for Cruelty to Animals; Fines.
2-109. Compliance with Federal Regulations.
2-110. Animal Traps.
2-111. Animal Confines; Shelters.
2-112. Death of Animals.
2-113. Running at Large.
2-114. Tethering.
2-115. Impoundment; Notice; Fee.
2-116. Redemption of Impounded Animals.
2-117. Impoundment of Rabies Suspects.
2-118. Animals Bitten by Rabid Animals.
2-119. Vehicular Accidents Involving Animals.
2-120. Animal Care While Owner Disabled; Procedure; Disposal.
2-121. Kennel Permits/Foster Homes.
2-122. Custody of Animals; Disposition.
2-123. Injured or Ill Animals.
2-124. Diseased Animals.
2-125. Rescue of Animals from Vehicles
Article 2. Dogs and Cats
2-201. Registration, Vaccination Required, Spay/Neuter Required and Fee.
2-202. Animal Tags.
2-203. Same; Counterfeit City Registration Tag.
2-204. Evidence of Vaccination.
2-205. Visiting Dogs and Cats.
2-206. Reserved for Future Use.
2-207. Adoption.
2-208. Same; Dogs and Cats.
2-209. Reserved for Future Use.
2-210. Confinement of Females in Heat.
2-211. Guard Dogs.
Article 3. Other Animals
2-301. Prohibited Animals.
2-302. Keeping Domestic Animals.
2-303. Falconry; License Required.
2-304. Falconry; Additional Restrictions.
2-305. Nuisance Animals.
2-306. Dangerous Animals.
2-307. Vicious Animals.
2-308. Exceptions.
2-309. Exceptions to Declaration.
2-310. Violation Requirements.
Article 4. Enforcement and Penalties
2-401. Administration; Appeals.
2-402. Enforcement.
2-403. Hearings and Procedures.
2-404. Injunction.
2-405. Penalties.
2-406. Severability.
Article 1. General Provisions
3-101. Definitions.
3-102. Restriction on Location.
3-103. Minors on Premises.
3-104. Consumption on Public Property.
3-105. Possession, Consumption in Public Places.
3-106. Public Sale Regulations.
3-107. Identification Card.
3-108. Exceptions.
3-109. Advertising.
3-110. Sale to Incapacitated Persons.
3-111. Open Saloons Prohibited.
3-112. Known Violations; Liability.
3-113. Prohibited Acts.
3-114. Certain Conduct Prohibited.
3-115. Penalty.
Article 2. Cereal Malt Beverages
3-201. Prefatory.
3-202. Definition.
3-203. License Issued by City.
3-204. License Required of Retailers.
3-205. Application.
3-206. License Application Procedures.
3-207. License Granted; Denied.
3-208. License to Be Posted.
3-209. License, Disqualification.
3-210. Restriction Upon Location.
3-211. License Fee.
3-212. Suspension of License.
3-213. License Suspension/Revocation by Governing Body.
3-214. Same; Appeal.
3-215. Change of Location.
3-216. Wholesalers And/or Distributors.
3-217. Business Regulations.
3-218. Prohibited Conduct on Premises.
3-219. Sanitary Conditions Required.
Article 3. Licenses
3-301. License Required.
3-302. License Tax.
3-303. Application.
3-304. Display.
Article 4. Alcoholic Liquor
3-401. State License Required.
3-402. Occupational Tax.
3-403. Posting of Receipt.
3-404. Hours of Sale.
3-405. Business Regulations.
3-406. Restrictions on Location.
Article 5. Private Clubs
3-501. License Required.
3-502. License Fee.
3-503. Business Regulations.
Article 6. Drinking Establishments
3-601. License Required.
3-602. License Fee.
3-603. Business Regulations.
Article 7. Caterers
3-701. License Required.
3-702. License Fee.
3-703. Business Regulations.
3-704. Notice to Chief of Police.
Article 8. Temporary Permits
3-801. Permit Required.
3-802. Permit Fee.
3-803. City Temporary Permit.
3-804. Temporary Permits; Business Regulations – Alcoholic Liquor.
3-805. Temporary Permits; Business Regulations – Cereal Malt Beverages.
Article 9. Common Consumption Area
3-901. Definitions.
3-902. Common Consumption Area Established.
3-903. Common Consumption Area - Rules of Conduct.
3-904. Common Consumption Area - Implementation - Rules and Regulations.
3-905. Common Consumption Area - General Provisions.
Article 1a. Building Code
4-1a01. International Building Code Incorporated.
4-1a02. Amendments.
4-1a03. Severability.
4-1a04. Deletions.
4-1a05. Conflicts.
4-1a06. Notices to Appear.
Article 1b. Residential Code
4-1b01. International Residential Code Incorporated.
4-1b02. Amendments.
4-1b03. Deletions.
4-1b04. Conflicts.
4-1b05. Severability.
4-1b06. Notices to Appear.
Article 2. Electrical Code
4-201. NFPA 70, National Electrical Code Incorporated.
4-202. Amendments.
4-203. Interference with Inspection.
4-204. Deletions.
4-205. Severability.
4-206. Notices to Appear.
Article 3. Plumbing Code
4-301. International Plumbing Code Incorporated.
4-302. Amendments.
4-303. Unauthorized Use.
4-304. Penalties.
4-305. Severability.
4-306. Notices to Appear.
Article 3a. Fuel Gas Code
4-3a01. Adoption of International Fuel Gas Code.
4-3a02. Amendments.
4-3a03. Severability.
4-3a04. Notices to Appear.
Article 4. Mechanical Code
4-401. Adoption of International Mechanical Code by Reference.
4-402. Amendments.
4-403. Severability.
4-404. Deletions.
4-405. Notices to Appear.
Article 5. Property Maintenance Code
4-501. International Property Maintenance Code, 2015 Edition.
4-502. Amendments.
4-503. Liability.
4-504. Severability.
4-505. Deletions.
4-506. Conflicts.
4-507. Notices to Appear.
Article 6. Fences
4-601. Definition.
4-602. Type of Fence.
4-603. Permits.
4-604. Erected on Property Line.
4-605. Sight Hazard.
4-606. Sight Distance Triangle.
4-607. Barbed Wire.
4-608. Open Fences.
4-609. Same; Athletic Courts.
4-610. Same; Non-Athletic Uses.
4-611. Solid and Visually Solid Fences.
4-612. Nonconforming Fences.
4-613. Maintenance.
4-614. Right-Of-Way.
4-615. Protective Fences and Walls During Construction Work.
4-616. Measurement of Height of Fences.
4-617. Standards.
4-618. Appeals.
4-619. Violations.
4-620. Variance as to Height.
4-621. Notices to Appear.
Article 7. Demolition of Buildings
4-701. Definition.
4-702. Permit.
4-703. Permit; Application; Bond; Insurance.
4-704. Building Official Issue Permit.
4-705. Bond, Insurance Waived.
4-706. Inspection.
4-707. Notices to Appear.
4-708. Penalty.
Article 8. Moving Buildings
4-801. Permit Required.
4-802. Applications for Permits.
4-803. Same; Bond.
4-804. Same; Fee.
4-805. Notice to Owners.
4-806. Duty of Owners.
4-807. Interfering with Poles; Wires.
4-808. Inspection.
4-809. Display of Lanterns.
4-810. Penalty.
Article 9. Satellite Dish Antennas
4-901. Purpose.
4-902. Definition.
4-903. Specifications.
4-904. Same; Roof Mounting.
4-905. Variances.
4-906. Penalty.
Article 10. Blasting
4-1001. Blasting; Permit Required.
4-1002. Approval of Permit Prior to Issuance.
4-1003. Bond Required.
4-1004. Insurance in Lieu of Bond.
4-1005. Term of Permit.
4-1006. Warranty of Applicant to Defend City in Event of Suit.
4-1007. Permit to Be Kept with Permittee or in Structure at Site of Blasting Operations.
4-1008. Penalty.
Article 1. Licenses and Business Regulations
5-101. License Required.
5-102. Amount of License Tax.
5-103. Specific Provisions to Control.
5-104. Producers, Growers Exempt from Chapter Provision.
5-105. Construction of Provisions.
5-106. Term of License.
5-107. Payment of License Fee.
5-108. Application for License.
5-109. Issuance of License.
5-110. License Not Transferable or Assignable.
5-111. Only One License Required.
5-112. Display of License.
5-113. Expiration of License.
5-114. Violation of Laws, Ordinances Prohibited.
5-115. Clerk to Sign License; Seal to be Affixed.
5-116. Failure to Obtain License, Pay Tax.
5-117. Penalty.
5-118. Severability.
5-119. Notices to Appear.
Article 2. Solicitors, Canvassers, Peddlers
5-201. Definitions.
5-202. License Required.
5-203. Same; Application Required.
5-204. Same; Investigation Fee.
5-205. Same; Investigation and Issuance.
5-206. Same; Fee; Exemptions.
5-207. Bond Required for Certain Applicants.
5-208. Regulations.
5-209. Use of Streets and Sidewalks.
5-210. Suspension of License: Grounds.
5-211. Exemptions from Payment of Fee.
Article 3. Advertising
5-301. Posting Bills Restricted.
5-302. Distribution of Handbills; Exclusion from Article Provisions, Newspaper Defined.
5-303. Same; Distribution Restricted.
5-304. Same; Distribution on or in Automobiles Restricted.
Article 4. Scrap Metal Dealers
5-401. Scrap Metal Dealers; Registration Required.
5-402. Same; Definitions.
5-403. Same; Registration; Application; Fees; Penalty.
5-404. Same; Issuance of Registration; Renewal; Renewal Fees.
5-405. Same; Penalty.
5-406. Same; Exception.
5-407. Same; Issuance; Disqualification.
5-408. Same; Suspension or Revocation of Registration.
Article 5. Public Amusements
5-501. Amusement or Entertainment Enterprise.
5-502. Definitions.
5-503. Licensure.
5-504. Inspection of Rides.
5-505. Insurance.
5-506. Evidence.
5-507. Police Protection.
5-508. Closure; When.
5-509. Order.
5-510. Violations.
5-511. Deposit.
5-512. Sanitary Facilities.
5-513. Storage on Public Property.
5-514. Parking.
5-515. Use of Public Property Prohibited.
5-516. Hours of Operation.
Article 5a. Amusement Admissions Tax
5-5a01. Purpose and Authority.
5-5a02. Definitions.
5-5a03. Exemptions.
5-5a04. Tax Imposed.
5-5a05. Payment and Collection of Tax.
5-5a06. Administration and Enforcement.
5-5a07. Suit for Collection; Revocation of License.
5-5a08. Interest and Penalties.
5-5a09. Disposition of Proceeds of Tax.
5-5a10. Penalty for Violation.
5-5a11. Validity.
Article 6. Pawnbrokers
5-601. Definition.
5-602. Record of Transactions.
5-603. Specific Information for Watches, Jewelry; Etc.
5-604. When Records Not Required.
5-605. Record Open to Inspection.
5-606. Items Subject to Inspection.
5-607. Transactions with Certain Persons.
5-608. Lost or Stolen Goods.
5-609. Concealment.
5-610. Resale, Dismantling.
Article 7. Security Officers
5-701. Definition.
5-702. Compliance Required.
5-703. Uniforms.
5-704. Impersonating City Officers.
5-705. Report to Chief of Police.
5-706. Limitation of Powers.
5-707. License; Required.
5-708. Same; Application.
5-709. Felons Not to Be Licensed.
5-710. Investigation of Applicant.
5-711. Bond Required.
5-712. Fee.
5-713. Approval, Issuance.
5-714. Expiration.
5-715. Revocation, Suspension.
Article 8. Junk Dealers
5-801. Record of Transaction.
5-802. When Records Not Required.
5-803. Record Open to Inspection.
5-804. Items Subject to Inspection.
5-805. Transactions with Certain Persons.
5-806. Lost or Stolen Goods.
5-807. Application for License.
Article 9. Arcades
5-901. Definitions.
5-902. Arcade License.
5-903. Application.
5-904. Inspection of Premises.
5-905. License Denial.
5-906. Granting of License.
5-907. No Reimbursement or Prorating of License Fees.
5-908. Application for Massage Therapist License; Fees.
5-908. Business Regulations.
5-909. Prohibited Conduct.
5-910. License Renewal; Transfer.
5-911. License Revocation or Suspension.
5-912. Same; Grounds.
Article 10. Massage Therapy
5-1001. Definitions.
5-1002. Reference to Chief of Police, Other Staff.
5-1003. Business License Required.
5-1004. Limitations on In-Office Massage Therapy Licenses.
5-1005. Massage Therapist License Required, Categories, Educational Requirements, Restrictions.
5-1006. Application for Massage Therapy Establishment and In-Office Massage Therapy Establishment Business License; Fees.
5-1007. Application for Massage Therapist License; Fees.
5-1008. Massage Therapy Establishment and In-Office Massage Therapy Establishment Business License Application Processing.
5-1009. Identification Cards.
5-1010. Issuance of Massage Therapy Establishment Business License.
5-1011. Application Processing and Issuance of Massage Therapist License.
5-1012. Revocation or Suspension of Business License.
5-1013. Revocation of Massage Therapist License.
5-1014. Inspection Necessary.
5-1015. Inspections, Immediate Right of Entry.
5-1016. Operation Regulations.
5-1017. Supervision.
5-1018. Employee and Patron Registers.
5-1019. Persons Under Age 18 Prohibited Services.
5-1020. Advertising.
5-1021. Transfer of Licenses; Other Licenses and Fees.
5-1022. Applicability to Existing Businesses.
5-1023. Exceptions.
5-1024. Further Regulations.
5-1025. Restriction of Business to Premises.
Article 1. City Elections
6-101. Governing Body.
6-101a. Same; Terms.
6-101b. Same; Transition to November Elections.
6-101c. Same; Vacancies.
6-102. Conduct of Elections; Hours.
Article 1. Fire Department
7-101. City Fire-EMS Department Established.
7-102. Composition.
7-103. Appointment or Hiring of Personnel.
7-104. Compensation
7-105. General Supervision of Department.
7-106. Discipline.
7-107. Summons Assistance at Fires
7-108. Chief’s Authority at Fires.
7-109. Records.
7-110. Control of Hazardous Conditions.
7-111. Deputy or Assistant Chief Generally.
7-112. Obstruction of a Fire Hydrant.
7-113. False Fire Alarms.
7-114. Unauthorized Use of Apparatus
7-115. Emergency Medical Services.
7-116. Chief of Fire-EMS Authority
7-117. Fees.
7-118. Prohibitions.
7-119. Definitions.
Article 2. Fire Code
7-201. International Fire Code Incorporated.
7-202. Amendments.
7-203. Limits.
7-204. Smoke Detector Required.
7-205. Removal.
7-206. Severability.
7-207. Notices to Appear.
Article 3. Fireworks
7-301. Definitions.
7-302. Possession; Approved.
7-303. Storage, Sale and Handling.
7-304. Discharging of Fireworks.
7-305. Public Display; Permit.
7-306. Same; Application for Permit.
7-307. Same; Insurance Policy Required.
7-308. Same; Conduct of Public Display.
7-309. Same; Fire Extinguishers at Public Display.
7-310. Same; Enforcement of Provisions.
7-311. Exemptions from Article.
7-312. Violation; Penalty.
7-313. Emergency Proclamations.
7-314. Prohibited fireworks.
Article 1. Reserved
Article 2. Housing Authority
8-201. Created.
8-202. Composition.
8-203. Powers Under State Law.
8-204. Low-Rent Housing Projects.
8-205. Employment of Personnel.
Article 3. Oil and Gas Operations
8-301. Findings.
8-302. Purpose.
8-303. Definitions.
8-304. General Provisions.
8-305. Application.
8-306. Requirements.
8-307. Abandonment/Completion/Non-Production.
8-308. Existing Wells.
8-309. Revocation.
8-310. Violation and Penalties.
8-311. Corporation Officers Liable.
Article 4. Adult Entertainment Code
8-401. Code Adopted.
8-402. Conflicts.
8-403. Severability.
8-404. Notices to Appear.
Article 5. Insurance Proceeds Lien
8-501. Scope and Application.
8-502. Lien Created.
8-503. Same; Encumbrances.
8-504. Same; Pro Rata Basis.
8-505. Procedure.
8-506. Fund Created; Deposit of Moneys.
8-507. Building Inspector; Investigation, Removal of Structure.
8-508. Removal of Structure; Excess Moneys.
8-509. Same; Disposition of Funds.
8-510. Effect Upon Insurance Policies.
8-511. Insurers; Liability.
Article 1. General Provisions
9-101. Municipal Court Established.
9-102. Same; Practice and Procedure.
9-103. Officers.
9-104. Municipal Judge.
9-105. Same; Qualifications.
9-106. Same; Absence.
9-107. Same; Vacancy in Office.
9-108. Same; Salary.
9-109. Clerk of the Municipal Court.
9-110. Municipal Court.
9-111. Violation of Promise to Appear in Municipal Court.
9-112. Payment of Fines.
9-113. Court Costs.
Article 1. General Provisions
10-101. Appointments.
10-102. Police Chief; Powers; Duties.
10-103. Powers and Duties of Members.
10-104. All Persons to Aid on Demand.
10-105. Neglect of Duty.
10-106. Bounty-Hunting Prohibited.
10-107. Police Reserve Unit Established.
10-108. Rules and Regulations.
Article 2. Property in Police Custody
10-201. Regulations.
10-202. Disposition.
10-203. Same; Exempt Property.
10-204. Claiming Property.
10-205. Proof of Ownership.
10-206. Auction.
Article 1. General
11-101. Title.
11-102. Intent.
11-103. Purpose.
11-104. Severability.
11-105. Responsibility.
11-106. Enforcement Officer.
11-107. Liability.
11-108. Inspections.
11-109. Right of Entry.
11-110. Construction.
Article 2. Notice and Orders
11-201. Notice of Violation.
11-202. Method of Service.
11-203. Repeat Offender.
11-204. Penalty.
11-205. Abatement.
11-206. Means of Appeal.
11-207. Costs Assessed.
11-208. Transfer of Ownership.
11-209. Notices to Appear.
Article 3. Rules and Definitions
11-301. Rules of Construction.
11-302. General Definitions.
Article 4. Exterior Property Maintenance
11-401. Scope.
11-402. Disposal of Trash and Garbage.
11-403. Dumpsters.
11-404. Grading and Drainage.
11-405. Graffiti.
11-406. Health and Sanitation.
11-407. Infestation.
11-408. Inoperable Vehicles.
11-409. Parking on Paved Surfaces.
11-410. Outside Storage.
11-411. Rain Barrels.
11-412. Sidewalks, Parking Lots and Driveways.
11-413. Minimum Sight Triangle.
11-414. Storage Containers.
11-415. Structures.
11-416. Vacant and Abandoned Properties.
11-417. Vehicles as Living Quarters.
Article 5. Weeds
11-501. Authority.
11-502. Removal of Weeds and Uncontrolled Vegetation.
11-503. Notice.
11-504. Abatement; Assessment of Costs.
Article 1. Uniform Offense Code
12-101. Uniform Public Offense Code incorporated.
12-102. Same; Deletions and Omissions.
Article 2. Local Provisions
12-201. Littering.
12-202. Unlawful Discharge of Firearms.
12-203. Selling, Giving or Furnishing Cigarettes or Tobacco Products to a Person Under 21 Years of Age.
12-204. Non-Powder Propelled Weapons.
12-206. Reserved.
12-207. Possession of Marijuana; Controlled Substance; Penalties.
12-208. Use or Possession of Simulated Controlled Substances and Drug Paraphernalia; Penalties.
12-209. Inhalation of Certain Elements.
12-210. Deceptive Commercial Practices.
12-211. Urinating or Defecating Upon Public or Private Property.
12-212. Curfew for Municipal Parking Lots.
12-213. State of Emergency.
12-214. Curfew for Minors.
12-215. Use of Force in Resisting Arrest.
12-216. Possession of Stolen Motor Vehicle License Plates.
12-217. Excessive Noise from Radios, Tape Players and Amplifiers on Vehicles.
12-218. Intimidation of A Witness or Victim.
Article 3. Camping Permits
12-301. Definition.
12-302. Camping Unlawful; When.
12-303. Inapplicable; When.
12-304. Penalty.
12-305. Permits.
12-306. Permit; Issued.
12-307. Appeal.
12-308. Effect of Permit.
12-309. Liability of Permittee.
12-310. Revocation; When.
Article 4. Unlawful Sale of Tickets
12-401. Unlawful Sale of Tickets.
Article 1. Recreation System
13-101. Recreation System Established.
13-102. Reserved.
13-103. Overnight Camping in City Parks Prohibited.
13-104. City Laws Extended to Park.
13-105. Police Jurisdiction Over Parks.
13-106. Damaging Park Property.
13-107. Dangerous Weapons Not Allowed.
13-108. Vehicle Regulations.
13-109. Hunting.
13-110. Fires.
13-111. Reserved.
13-112. Sanitation.
13-113. Prohibition Against Alcoholic Beverages and Cereal Malt Beverages.
13-114. Preservation of Natural State.
13-115. General Regulations.
13-116. Use of Parks.
13-117. Smoke Free Parks and Trails, Designated Smoke Areas and Penalty for Violation.
13-118. Penalty, General.
Article 2. Cemeteries
13-201. Conveyance of Lots.
13-202. Records; Duties of City Clerk.
13-203. Price and Sale of Grave Lots.
13-204. Cemetery Funds.
13-205. Grave Opening, Closing Fee.
13-206. Restrictions on Interment.
13-207. Cemetery Hours; Speed; Vehicles.
13-208. Permit for Monuments, Headstones and Stepping Stones.
13-209. Trees, Shrubs, Plants.
13-210. Markers, Monuments, Headstones, Benches, Stepping Stones and Vases Generally.
13-211. Construction of Foundations, Footings Generally.
13-212. Location of Graves.
13-213. Caskets to Be in Vaults.
13-214. Enclosure of Lots Prohibited.
13-215. Property Damage; Molesting Graves.
13-216. Rubbish.
13-217. Children’s Graves.
13-218. Sexton; Appointment.
13-219. Sexton; Duties Generally.
13-220. Rules and Regulations.
13-221. Other Regulations; Rights Reserved.
13-222. Ordinances Extend Over Cemetery.
13-223. Penalty.
13-224. Notices to Appear.
Article 3. Private Use of Public Parking Lots
13-301. Permit Required.
13-302. Permit Fees.
13-303. Application.
13-304. Restrictions.
13-305. Display of Permit.
13-306. Revocation of Permit.
13-307. Hazard Prohibited.
13-308. Penalty.
13-309. Appeal.
Article 1. General Provisions
14-101. Duties of Public Works Director Generally.
14-102. Removing Barricades.
14-103. Molesting Unfinished Paving, Grading, Sidewalk.
14-104. Cellar Ways, Etc.; Not to Be Left Open.
14-105. Same; Protection.
14-106. Snow and Ice; to be Removed.
14-107. Same; Removal by City.
14-108. Obstructing Sidewalks, Etc.
14-109. Street Obstructions by Builders.
14-110. Penalties.
Article 2. Sidewalk Construction and Repair
14-201. Permit Required.
14-202. Sidewalk Grade.
14-203. Same; Specifications.
14-204. Same; Petition.
14-205. Same; Condemnation, Reconstruction.
14-206. Notice; Publication.
14-207. Right of Abutting Owner.
14-208. Repairs by Owner or City.
14-209. Performance, Statutory Bond.
14-210. Obstructing Sidewalks.
14-211. Same; Exception.
14-212. Supervision of Construction.
Article 3. Right-Of-Way Usage Code
14-301. Right-Of-Way Usage Code Incorporated.
14-302. Severability.
14-303. Notices to Appear.
Article 4. Encroachments
14-401. Encroachment Prohibited.
14-402. Definitions.
14-403. Removal.
Article 5. Public Works Construction Specifications and Design Criteria
14-501. APWA Standards Incorporated.
14-502. Bonner Springs Standard Specifications and Design Criteria Incorporated.
Article 6. Trees and Shrubs
14-601. Purpose.
14-602. Violations; Defined.
14-603. Enforcement Officer.
14-604. Complaints; Inquiry and Inspection.
14-605. Right of Entry.
14-606. Unlawful Interference.
14-607. Notice.
14-608. Same; Contents.
14-609. Repeat Offender.
14-610. Duty of Adjacent Owners to Abate Nuisance.
14-611. Hearing.
14-612. General Definitions.
14-613. Street Tree Species to Be Planted; Park Tree Species.
14-614. Spacing.
14-615. Distance from Curb and Sidewalk.
14-616. Distance from Street Corners and Fireplugs.
14-617. Utilities.
14-618. Public Tree Care.
14-619. Existing Trees.
14-620. Stumps.
14-621. Failure to Comply; Penalty.
14-622. Abatement.
14-623. Removal by City.
14-624. Costs Assessed.
14-625. Notices to Appear.
Article 7. Maintenance Stormwater Drainage Systems
14-701. Storm Water Drainage System.
14-702. Statement of Policy.
14-703. Administration of the Maintenance of Storm Water Drainage Systems.
14-704. Responsibilities Under the Maintenance of Storm Water Drainage Systems.
14-705. Failure to Maintain.
14-706. Abatement.
14-707. Right of Entry.
14-708. Easements.
14-708. Penalties.
14-709. Failure to Enforce.
Article 1. Standard Traffic Ordinance
15-101. Standard Traffic Ordinance incorporated.
15-102. Traffic Infractions and Traffic Offenses.
15-103. Amendments to Standard Traffic Ordinance.
15-104. Definitions.
15-105. Authority to Make Emergency, Temporary and Experimental Regulations.
15-106. Careless Driving.
15-107. Maximum Speed Limits.
15-108. Officers Authorized to Remove Vehicles.
15-109. Stopping, Standing or Parking Prohibited in Specified Places.
15-110. Parking Prohibited at All Times in Designated Places of Certain Vehicles.
15-111. Spilling Loads on Highways Prohibited.
15-112. Penalty for Scheduled Fines.
15-113. Unlawful Operation of an All-Terrain Vehicle, Micro Utility Truck, Low-Speed Vehicle, Golf Cart, or Work-Site Utility Vehicle.
15-114. Definitions
Article 2. Local Traffic Regulations
15-201. Local Control Traffic Regulations Code.
15-202. Load Restrictions Upon Vehicles Using Certain Streets or Highways or Portions of Streets or Highways.
Article 3. Impoundment of Motor Vehicles
15-301. Definitions.
15-302. Impounding Vehicles.
15-303. Same.
15-304. Notice of Impoundment; Storage of Vehicle.
15-305. Impoundment After Request to Leave Motor Vehicle.
15-306. Release of Motor Vehicle from Impoundment.
15-307. Hearing.
15-308. Charges Constitute a Lien.
15-309. Satisfaction of Lien; Notice of Public Sale.
15-310. Redemption.
15-311. Sale Proceeds.
15-312. Statutory Procedures.
15-313. Implementation of Article.
15-314. Reimbursement for Discharged Liens.
Article 4. Hazardous Materials
15-401. Hazardous Material Defined.
15-402. Same; Exceptions.
15-403. Transportation of Hazardous Materials.
15-404. Hazardous Materials Routes.
15-405. Parking of Vehicles or Trailers Carrying Hazardous Materials.
15-406. Removal of Illegally Parked Trailers.
Article 5. Vehicle Size Restrictions
15-501. Vehicle Height, Weight, Length and Width.
15-502. Enforcement of Vehicle Weight Laws; Officers May Weigh Vehicles; Portable Scales; Required Drive to Stationary S Ales; Off-Loading or Load Redistribution Required, When.
15-503. Penalty for Violation.
Article 6. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations
15-601. Federal Motor Carrier Safety Regulations Incorporated by Reference.
15-602. Same; Marked Copies of Regulations on File.
15-603. Sections Deleted.
15-604. Section 396.9 Amended; Inspection of Motor Vehicles in Operation.
15-605. Penalties.
15-606. Severability.
15-607. Savings Clause.
Article 1. General Provisions & Utility Administration
16-101. Definition.
16-102. Scope of Chapter Provisions.
16-103. Service to Comply with Technical Regulations.
16-104. Termination for Noncompliance with Provisions.
16-105. Liability of City for Damage.
16-106. Sale of Service by Customer.
16-107. Temporary Interruption of Service.
16-108. Utility Service; Application Required.
16-109. Same; Permit.
16-110. Same; Use Without Permit.
16-111. Same; Use Contrary to Permit.
16-112. Same; Use Assumed.
16-113. Same; Restricted to One Applicant.
16-114. Notification and Inspection, Approval.
16-115. Same; Costs.
16-116. Separate Connections.
16-117. Connections to Service.
16-118. Consumers to Maintain Own Service.
16-119. When Payment Due.
16-120. Penalty for Delinquent Payment.
16-121. Disconnection for Nonpayment.
16-122. Delinquent Accounts.
16-123. Voluntary Discontinuance of Service.
16-124. Security Deposits.
16-125. Utility Bill Credit.
16-126. Same; Eligibility
16-127. Same; Non-Eligibility.
16-128. Same; Application.
16-129. Same; Commencement.
16-130. Same; False, Misleading Information.
16-131. Same.
16-132. Injure/Tamper with Water or Sanitary Sewer Systems.
16-133. Violations; Costs and Fines.
Article 2. Water Service - Rates, Charges and Regulations
16-201. Water Service Connection.
16-202. Cut-Offs.
16-203. Water Rates & System Impact Fee
16-204. Same; Unmetered Fire Sprinkler Service.
16-205. Cross Connection Control; Purpose.
16-206. Same; Cross Connections Prohibited.
16-207. Same; Protective Backflow Preventers Required.
16-208. Same; Inspection.
16-209. Same; Protection from Contaminants.
16-210. Same; Backflow and Backsiphonage Regulations.
16-211. Water Conservation; Purpose.
16-212. Same; Definitions.
16-213. Same; Declaration of A Water Emergency.
16-214. Same; Voluntary Conservation Measures.
16-215. Same; Mandatory Conservation Measures.
16-216. Same; Emergency Water Rates.
16-217. Same; Regulations.
16-218. Same; Violations, Disconnections and Penalties.
16-219. Same; Emergency Termination.
16-220. Same; Severability.
Article 3. Wastewater (Sanitary Sewer) Service - Rates, Charges and Regulations
16-301. Definitions.
16-302. Sewer Connection Required.
16-303. Standards.
16-304. Building Sewer; Elevation.
16-305. Roof, Foundation Drains.
16-306. Building and Plumbing Codes to Control.
16-307. Sewer System Impact Fee.
16-308. Wastewater Rates Established.
16-309. Meters When Premises Not on City Water.
16-310. Private Sewer System.
16-311. Same; Permit.
16-312. Same; Inspection.
16-313. Same; Discharge.
16-314. Same; Expense.
16-315. Same; Additional Requirements.
16-316. Old Building Sewers.
16-317. Owner Responsibility.
16-318. Disposal of Sewage.
16-319. Natural Outlet.
16-320. Privies, Etc. Unlawful.
16-321. Prohibited Discharges; Stormwater, Etc.
16-322. Same; Generally.
16-323. Same; Pretreatment and Flow of Certain Discharges.
16-324. Interceptors; Grease, Oil, Etc.
16-325. Preliminary Treatment Facilities Operation.
16-326. Control Manhole.
16-327. Measurement and Test Standards.
16-328. Special Agreements.
16-329. Inspections to Be Allowed; Conditions.
16-330. Same; Entrance Through Easements.
16-331. Permit Required; Application.
Article 4. Solid Waste
16-401. Solid Waste Management Code.
16-402. Notices to Appear.
Article 5. Storm Water Management Program and Utility
16-501. Definitions.
16-502. Findings and Statements of Policy.
16-503. Establishment of Storm Water Management Program and Storm Water Utility.
16-504. Administration of the Storm Water Management Program; the Storm Water Utility.
16-505. Classification of Property for Purposes of Determination of the Storm Water Utility Fee.
16-506. Storm Water Utility Fee.
16-507. Charges for Tax-Exempt Properties.
16-508. When Storm Water Utility Fee Payable; Interest and Penalties; Lien on Real Property; Abatement of Small Amounts Due.
16-509. Requests for Appeal or Correction of the Storm Water Management Fee.
Article 1. Comprehensive Plan (Vision 2025)
17-101. Comprehensive plan incorporated.
Article 2. Unified Development Ordinance
17-201. Unified Development Ordinance incorporated.
17-202. Reserved for future use.
Article 3. Reserved
17-301. Reserved for future use.
Article 4. Floodplain Management Regulations
17-401. Floodplain Management Regulations incorporated.
17-402. Notices to Appear.
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 6 (Ordinance No. 1063)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 7 (Ordinance No. 1078)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 8 (Ordinance No. 1070)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 9 (Ordinance No. 1087)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 11 (Ordinance No. 1432)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 12 (Ordinance No. 1445)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 13 (Ordinance No. 1637)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 14 (Ordinance No. 1638)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 15 (Ordinance No. 1619)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 16 (Ordinance No. 1806)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 17 (Ordinance No. 1808)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 18 (Ordinance No. 1810)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 19 (Ordinance No. 1840)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 20 (Ordinance No. 1896)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 21 (Ordinance No. 1930)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 22 (Ordinance No. 1965)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 23 (Ordinance No. 2004)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 24 (Ordinance No. 2045)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 25 (Ordinance No. 2130)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 26 (Ordinance No. 2175)
CHARTER ORDINANCE NO. 27 (Ordinance No. 2204)
Ordinance No. 1489
Ordinance No. 1670
Ordinance No. 1762
Ordinance No. 2078
Ordinance No. 2278
Ordinance No. 2376
Ordinance No. 2463
Ordinance No. 2516
Ordinance No. 2518
Ordinance No. 2558
Ordinance No. 2573